

Based in Birmingham, Guardian has been designing, supplying and installing residential & commercial films across the UK for over 15 years. With Chas, Constructionline, Exor, Builder’s Profile & Safecontractor accreditations, Guardian Window Films are approved installers for all of the world’s leading window film manufacturers.

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Bomb Blast Protection Window Film

Guardian Window Film is a leading supplier of bomb blast film to commercial establishments, oil terminals and military establishments throughout the UK. Our bomb blast protection window film helps prevent existing glass from shattering, following a bomb explosion or industrial activity.

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Welcome to Guardian, one of the leading window film specialists in the UK. As accredited dealers for all of the major bomb blast window film manufacturers, we have access to the widest range of quality tested and approved products and will find you the best window film solution for your establishment.
Nicola Enright, MD


Bomb blast window film can save lives and protect property from flying glass in the event of an industrial explosion or a terrorist attack. In the unlikely event you could be affected, Guardian Window Films can install anti shatter window film which reduces risk of damage and injury from broken glass. Read on to find out how you can protect your people and property with anti blast film for windows.


Selecting the appropriate blast film to meet your specific level of threat is vitally important. Different types and levels of threat will require different safety film solutions.

Where there is a risk of explosions, bomb protection window film can mitigate against flying glass and the associated injuries.

The characteristics of a chemical explosion differ from those of a bomb blast. For example, blast duration from a petrochemical explosion is of a longer duration than a small bomb placed close to a window. Bomb blast peak occurs instantly, whereas vapour cloud is of a much longer duration and lower peak pressure.

The most important factor in determining which type of anti blast film for windows is best for you is the potential load of the explosion. For these distances and charges should be taken into account.


A conventional daylight application of bomb blast window film to the inside of the glass will often provide a sufficient level of protection and security. Where necessary this can be enhanced by the application of silicone to bond all the glass edges to the window frame. The thickness of bomb blast protection film can be between 100 microns and 350 microns dependent on the area and thickness of the glass and the protection required.


The next level of protection would be a wet glaze application of window film to the inside of the glass. This wet glaze application is bonded onto the window frame, with a high-performing Dow Corning 995 Silicone. The thickness of the bomb-blast protection window film can be between 100 microns & 350 microns, depending on the area and thickness of the glass and the protection required.


For even greater threats, there is a range of mechanical anchorage systems available. There are catching systems, restraint systems and clamping systems, all used in conjunction with the appropriate thickness of bomb resistant window film. These systems can also be used to protect against the potential risk from overhead glass.

Visit our Mechanical Anchorage Systems page today for more detailed information on mechanical anchorage systems.


We will help you identify the risks in your specific case. We will then agree on the level of bomb blast protection you wish to achieve. From this, we can recommend the most effective security window film solutions using only products tested and approved to the relevant British, European and International Standards.

For more information about our anti-blast window film or our full range of commercial window film, get in touch with us today.


If the bomb blast protection film isn’t enough to fulfil your security requirements, you can double up on your safety levels and get the Signal Defence Window Film. This revolutionary product provides cyber protection features, including voice, privacy and data eavesdropping protection.  

Guardian successfully installed more than 100,000 square feet of ANTI BLAST WINDOW FILM at BP Headquarters.

Contact Us

    anti glare window film

    We only ever specify the highest quality commercial bomb blast film, tested and approved to British and European Standards.

    • We are accredited dealers and installers for all of the leading window film manufacturers.
    • We have Construction Line, Builder’s Profile and Safe Contractor accreditation.
    • If you are after a no obligation quote for your commercial window film installation please give us a call free on 0800 077 8403 or email us here.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Bomb blast window film works by reducing the risk of glass shattering, should an explosion take place. There are different levels of protection available, depending on the threat present. All forms of bomb blast window film also increase security.

    Bomb blast film is suitable for use wherever a threat of explosion is present. This could be from industrial accidents, terrorist attacks or criminal activity to name a few examples. The films can be placed onto existing windows to provide protection from explosions and increase security.